DIY Lip Scrub

DIY Lip Scrub
Soothing Lip Scrub for the cold winter months. Will leave your lips feeling soft and exfoliated.

This scrub can also be used on your hands, feet and body!

You will need a few items, but you most likely already have them in your home.

Items Needed:
1 tbsp. Brown Sugar
1/2 tbsp. Olive Oil
1/2 tbsp. Honey
Lemon Essential Oil

In a small mixing bowl, combine ingredients. If you want, you can add a few drops of lemon oil to help eat away the dead skin cells.

Th roughly mix together and transfer to a container with lid for easier storage.

Apply using fingers and gently massaging lips for 1 minutes.

Rinse with cool water. Discard, eat or store left overs.

If you are storing, keeping in a cool, dry place and use within 1 week.

Image Credit: Artem Furman / ShutterStock

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